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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many children can I care for in my home?

    Family Day Care - A family day care provider may care for up to 8 children depending on the ages of the children.

    Group Family Day Care - A group family day care provider must have an assistant to care for up to 16 children depending of the ages of children in care.

  • What are the training requirements?

    All providers must take 30 hours of training in nine topics every two years.

  • How can I find training resources?

    There are many sources of training available for providers. The Child Care Council of Dutchess and Putnam, Inc. usually has several trainings scheduled throughout the year.

    Some college courses can count as training, if they cover one of the nine required topics. Video Conferences are held regularly in Dutchess and Putnam Counties.

    There are also internet courses that can be used as a training resource. Please be sure to check with your licensor or registrar BEFORE you take training to make sure it is from an approved source. The Office of Children and Family Services website can help you find training opportunities.

  • How do I get staff fingerprinted?

    Complete the Request for NYS Fingerprinting Services Form

    You can schedule an appointment by calling 1-877-472-6915. You can select the location for your fingerprinting when you schedule an appointment.

  • Where can I find information about infants and toddlers?

    There are infant/toddler specialists available to providers. Call the Child Care Council (845) 473-4141 for the name and number of an infant/toddler specialist in your area.

  • Where can I get information on immunization schedules?

    The New York State Department of Health website has information on immunization requirements for day care children

  • Where can I get informational pamphlets about finding day care?

    The Office of Children and Family Services website has information/pamphlets to guide parents in finding day care.

  • Where can I find information about lead poisoning?

    The New York State Department of Health has information regarding lead poisoning. The website is

  • How do I prepare for an inspection?

    Any visit by licensor/registrar or fire/safety personnel can be anxiety producing. The best way to prepare for an inspection is to always know and follow the regulations. Keep excellent records as required by regulations. There are also checklists which can help you prepare for an inspection. Call your licensor or registrar to e-mail or send a copy.

  • What should I do if someone lodges a complaint against my day care?

    Cooperate fully with licensor, registrar or any other agency that may be involved in investigating the complaint (i.e. Child Protective Services, Law Enforcement). Have all records that are requested available for inspection. Always be truthful when answering questions. Remember that the investigation process may take a while, so be patient and continue to cooperate with inspectors.

  • How do I market my day care program?

    As a licensed or registered day care, you are automatically put on the Child Care Council’s list of referrals. Be sure to update your information regularly with the Council so that they can refer your program accurately. You can also find businesses that are willing to display a flyer or advertisement, print and distribute business cards, etc. You can also pay for ads in newspapers or local publications. Word of mouth is usually a good way to advertise so make sure that your day care is regulation compliant at all times and be sure to offer quality programming.

  • How much should I charge for day care?

    This depends on a lot of factors. Compute all of your expenses. These include but are not limited to employment costs, insurance, rent/mortgage, utilities, food, supplies, taxes, cleaning services, etc. This will give you an idea of what your total costs to run your day care will be. Then find out what the rates for day care in your area generally are. Average rates may vary from county to county. Call us at (845) 473-4141 x223 for more information.